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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Root Cause : Godly Genesis.

Of all the things and ideas created by the human kind, one of the most intriguing and comical is that which relates to 'some invisible power overseeing the worldly affairs' - God. And the intensity with which we devote our time and energies towards pleasing 'God' is unsurpassable. Only if humans could be more rational.

There exists this whole business of God, and has a universal existence. Humans definitely make very good story tellers. And all those wonderful 'stories' and 'tales' - they definitely make up for the lack of rationality.

Let's try to unravel as to why 'God' exists and what makes it all the more popular. Humans cannot understand and explain each and every phenomenon that happens. There are probably more things unexplained than explained. The concept of 'God' definitely exists since thousands of years. So the origins lie in the primitive man's life. The primitive man did not have an understanding of things, an understanding which exists at this point of time. They did not understand why thunderbolts happened. They did not understand why it rained. And they did not know why the Sun disappeared in the evening.

Also, as in any other species of living beings, everyone loves power. Everyone likes to be on the top, and to be in control. So one fine day, this smart dude walks straight in the midst his people, and proclaims that there is this invisible, untouchable and all-encompassing force which makes things happen. And this dude was chosen by that all-encompassing force to spread this message to all the people.

And lo behold, 'God' was born ! What an uneventful birth. No pangs and no contractions ! And his people were very much in awe of this dude, the chosen one. And the dude gets what he wants. He wanted power. And power he got. He then got all the food he could ever strut down his throat in a lifetime. He got all things set up for himself. And what more, he had to be pleased. Because if he were not, then the 'Gods' would get angry - and would destroy his people's cattle,food, animals - in short, their world. So he gets more - even the dudettes ! And what a merry making life it would have been !

And then this folklore spread out, and more stories were woven, more characters incorporated, complex plots laid out. And thus was created a perfect pot-boiler. The most extravagant sitcom ever created.

Now the serious part of it. Over time, as human societies became more complex, this belief of an overpowering God transformed into somebody who helped them. Somebody who guided them about their Karma and about their purpose. And who does not like the feeling of being protected. The feeling of somebody being there - ready to help you at one chant of a mantra. All of insecurities were off-loaded onto the sturdy shoulders of God. Whatever happened, whether good or bad, whether right or wrong, God was responsible for it all.

God must be having a tough time up there. Billions of people to look after. Trillions of their problems. And then to right every wrong. To have answers ready for every question. That primitive dude had, unknowingly, created a super computer. All questions answered at a whisper. Parallel grid computing at it's marvel.

And add to it the vagaries of the human species with newly acquired sign and language skills. God now had a language of his own. God spoke in a language which his people created. And with interactions amongst different races of humans increasing, the inevitable happened - the clashes of the civilizations. More aptly, the clashes of the Gods!

We shrug off our responsibilities by putting everything at the feet of 'God'. We are afraid whether what we are doing is going to bear fruits or not. We want somebody to take care of our tensions, of our rights and wrongs. Of us. We don't want accountability. The full on liability is on God. If anything goes wrong, it's God. But if anything goes right, it's us. God is a folly. It's a concept.

The bare truths of life are simple and straightforward. Every living being need just these - food, sleep, mate. Any thing above it is just gloss. Animals don't go around collecting stuff over their lifetimes. That is not to deride the achievements of the human kind. But if God were to exist, if that were to be a truth, his presence would have been acknowledged by all - by all living beings.

The three bare necessities - food, sleep, mate - are common to animals and humans alike. The argument that humans are of a higher order and hence only they are able to understand God is not even half intelligent.

Just to prove a point, consider the cases wherein 'unacceptable' things have been committed by religious people. There was this Buddhist monastery in the US, where lot of objectionable content was found. A nun from Kerala put allegations of immoral behaviour on a Father. A Hindu swami engaging in acts in Gujarat. So, despite the strictness a religion wants to impose on people, the truth raises it's head. And even 'godly' people engage in acts of truth !

One more thing that definitely would have contributed towards the concept of God would have been 'erring' humans. That is, imagine the original dude, who was the chosen one, asking for a dudette who is a mate of some other dude. Now this dude gets cross with the chosen one. Because the chosen one 'stole' his mate. So to put a hold to such 'erring humans', lot of such 'rules' have been included in the religious books.

For example, the avoidable topic of incest. Imagine the horror of a father who finds his son crossing his path with his mother ! And all that finds a place in the teachings of religion. So all things religious have been ultimately invented by man.

And man being such a foolish species, fights over some 'God' being more 'godlier' than another god. His God being more 'purer' than the other God !

So stop accepting what is put onto you. Think rationally. Use brains. And for the question 'What is the purpose of life ?' - well, there is none. You are here for a reason beyond your control. You won't be here for a reason beyond your understanding. With nothing concrete to begin with, and with even less to end with, do you still need a purpose ?

But yes, a lot of things preached by saints are good - they definitely are worth practicing in life - but not worth their salt if attributed to God.

God. It's a book without an author. It's a chapter without the concrete paragraph's. It's a paragraph with blurred sentences. And a sentence with missing dots.

Get a life. Write your own chapter.

1 comment:

  1. Wooow.. haven't read such a sensible editorial in a long time ;-)).. I think you got a time machines because you narrated the story of the 'dude' like you actually witnessed.. or may be you're also a very good 'story teller'.. jokes apart.. I dont know how the concept of God came into picture and I dont even care about it.. all I know is that we have to live our life on our own and if we don help ourself, nobody will help us.. not even God ;-) .. really nice and interesting insight into a very sensitive topic.. keep writing 'Dude' :-P
